Writ Under Article 226 against Transfer in Excise Department

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Writ Petition No.                (S/B) of 2024



Vinod Kumar Pandey                       ---------Petitioner                           


State of U.P. and others                         ------Opposite Parties



                                     I N D E X







List of Dates and Events




Application for interim relief/stay




Memo of writ petition




Annexure No.1 and 2

Copy of the order dated 18.5.2024, passed by the Commissioner, Excise, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad



Annexure No.3

Copy of the order dated 28.11.2016



Annexure No.4

Copy of the order dated 6.8.2015



Annexure No.5

Copy of the order dated 7.8.2015



Annexure No.6

Copy of the order dated 22.12.2015



Annexure No.7

Copy of the order dated 30.6.2016



Annexure No.8

Copies of the order dated 25.4.2024and 10.5.2024



Annexure No.9

Copy of the order dated 25.5.2024



Annexure No.10

Copy of the letter dated 6.6.2024, written by the Assistant Excise Commissioner, Law to the Excise Commissioner, U.P., Allahabad




Annexure No.11

Copy of the Transfer Policy dated 29.3.2024







Copy of ID proof of deponent







ALLAHABAD:                                     (Vinod Kumar Pandey)                 

DATED:        /2024                               Advocate                                 

                                                      Counsel for the petitioner  

                                                          Mobile No. 9415381583



              Writ Petition No.              (S/B) of 2024


Vinod Kumar Pandey                                  ---------Petitioner                           


State of U.P. and others                         ------Opposite Parties


                    LIST OF DATES AND EVENTS







The petitioner was initially substantially appointed through commission as Excise Inspector on 6.8.2015 and she has been posted in S.S.F.-A, Jhansi Charge Jhansi.



The opposite party No.2 transferred to the petitioner from S.S.F-A, Jhansi to Mohan Making Distillery by modifying its earlier order.



The State Government passed transfer order to some Excise Inspector including petitioner and she has been transferred from Mohan Making Distillery Allahabad to Excise Inspector Sector-5, Allahabad and directed to the opposite party No.2 to pass order accordingly.



After laps of about six month, the opposite party No.2 passed the order in pursuance to the transfer order dated 22.12.2015 and post the petitioner from Mohan Making Distillery, Allahabad to Excise Inspector, Sector-5 Allahabad.



The opposite party No.2 without application of mind and in violation of the State transfer policy vide 10.5.2024, again transfer to the petitioner from Excise Inspector, Sector-5 Allahabad to S.S.F.-A, Meerut.



The petitioner has been again transferred from S.S.F-A, Meerut to Officer of Assistant Excise Commission (Law) by the opposite party No.2.



The impugned transfer order dated 10.5.2024and 31.05.2024passed by Commissioner, Excise, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad in violation of transfer policy of State Government and in most illegal and arbitrary manner discriminating person to person without application of mind.



    Hence this Writ Petition.


ALLAHABAD:                                     (Vinod Kumar Pandey)                 

DATED:        /2024                                           Advocate                                 

                                                                     Counsel for the petitioner



     C.M. Application No.                of 2024

                        In re;

             Writ Petition No.               (S/B) of 2024



Vinod Kumar Pandey                                  ---------Petitioner                           


State of U.P. and others                         ------Opposite Parties





The above named petitioner most respectfully prays as under: -

For the facts, reason and circumstances stated in the accompanying writ petition, duly supported by an affidavit, it is most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may kindly be pleased to stay the operation and implementation of the impugned transfer order dated10.05.2024and 31.5.2024passed by the Commissioner, Excise, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad, as contained in Annexure No.1and 2 to this writ to this writ petition,so far its relates to the petitioner.

This Hon,ble court further may be pleased to direct the  opposite parties, to allow the petitioner to continue discharge her duties at Sector-5, Allahabad as Excise Inspector.

  Any other order or direction which this Hon’ble Court may deem just and proper in the circumstances of the case may also be passed.



ALLAHABAD:                                    (Vinod Kumar Pandey)                 

DATED:        /2024                                           Advocate                                 

                                                      Counsel for the petitioner





            Writ Petition No.               (S/B) of 2024


                                         100 Rs Stamp


Vinod Kumar Pandey, aged about 30 years, D/o Jawahar Lal Yadav, R/o D-96, Sector-P, Aliganj,.







1.     State of U.P. through Principal Secretary, Excise, Civil Secretariat, Bapu Bhawan, Allahabad.


2.     Excise Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh, Mamfordganj, Allahabad.


3.     Kuldeep Singh, Excise Inspector, EIV Headquarter, Allahabad (transferred to Sector-5 Allahabad).




                                                   -------Opposite Parties




                     CONSTITUTION OF INDIA



     The Hon’ble the Chief Justice and his other companion Judges of the aforesaid Hon’ble Court.

    The above-named petitioner most respectfully begs to submit as under: -

1.          That the petitioner declares that this is first writ petition being filed the same subject matter. No other writ petition has been filed or pending either at Allahabad or at Allahabad. 

2.          That the petitioner further submitted that he has not received any notice of caveat from the respondents through registered post or by other means.  

3.          That by means of present writ petition, the petitioner is challenging the order dated 10-05-2024and 31.5.2024passed by the Commissioner, Excise, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad whereby petitioner has been transferred from Sector-5, Allahabad to S.S.F.-A, Meerut, later on S.S.F. Meerut to Office of Assistant Excise Commissioner (Law), Allahabad in violation transfer policy of State Government in most illegal and arbitrary manner without application of mind. A copy of the transfer order dated 10.5.2024and 31-05-2024being annexed herewith as Annexure No.1 and 2 to this writ petition.

4.          That in pursuance to the aforesaid transfer order, the petitioner joined duty on 4.6.2024at transferred place by honoring the transfer order dated 31.5.2024with a view to challenge the impugned transfer order before this Hon’ble Court as it has been passed only to harass the petitioner under the political pressure.

5.          That the petitioner has been declared a gazatted officer by means of order dated 28.11.2016 issued by the State Government, Excise Section-I. A copy of the order dated 28.11.2016 is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.3 to this writ petition.

6.          That the petitioner was initially substantially appointed through commission as Excise Inspector on 6.8.2015 and she has been posted in S.S.F.-A, Jhansi Charge Jhansi. A copy of the order dated 6.8.2015 is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.4 to this writ petition.

7.          That on 7.8.2015, the opposite party No.2 transferred to the petitioner from S.S.F-A, Jhansi to Mohan Making Distillery by modifying its earlier order. A copy of the order dated 7.8.2015 is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.5 to this writ petition.

8.          That on 22.12.2015, the State Government passed transfer order to some Excise Inspector including petitioner and she has been transferred from Mohan Making Distillery Allahabad to Excise Inspector Sector-5, Allahabad and directed to the opposite party No.2 to pass order accordingly. A true copy of order dated 22.12.2015 is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.6 to this writ petition.

9.          That on 30.6.2016, after laps of about six month, the opposite party No.2 passed the order in pursuance to the transfer order dated 22.12.2015 and post the petitioner from Mohan Making Distillery, Allahabad to Excise Inspector, Sector-5 Allahabad. A true copy of order dated 30.6.2016 is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.7 to this writ petition.

10.      That it is relevant to point out here that the petitioner honestly and devotionally discharging her duties, some excise licensee belongs to the ruling party where trying to thrown away to the petitioner from Allahabad to any other district/place.    

11.      That the opposite party No.2 without application of mind and in violation of the State transfer policy vide 10.5.2024, again transfer to the petitioner from Excise Inspector, Sector-5 Allahabad to S.S.F.-A, Meerut.  

12.      That after passing the order dated 10.5.2024, the petitioner made application on 15.5.2024to the Principal Secretary, Excise for cancelling the transfer, the Principal Secretary, Excise made endorsement on the request letter of the petitioner that not to relieve the petitioner from Excise Inspector, Sector-5 Allahabad, but the authority concern deliberately and arbitrarily relieved the petitioner ex-parte at that time when she was on medical leave.

13.      That on the request of the petitioner, the transfer order of the petitioner has been cancelled but vide order dated 31.5.2024, she has been again transferred from S.S.F-A, Meerut to Officer of Assistant Excise Commission (Law). The copy of the order dated 31.5.2024has already been annexed as Annexure No.1 to this writ petition.

14.      That it is relevant to mention here that the opposite party No.2 made transfer order on 25.4.2024about 20 Excise Inspectors from their respective posting place to another place. Aggrieved with the said order, one Jyoti Singh (serial No.9), Rama Patel (Serial No.21) and Madhu Singh (serial No.25), made a request to cancel their transfer order dated 25.4.2024. The opposite party No.2 by considering the request of the above Excise Inspectors, vide order dated 10.5.2024, cancelled their transfer order and keep them their earlier posting place. A copy of the order dated 25.4.2024and 10.5.2024is being collectively annexed herewith as Annexure No.8 to this writ petition.

15.      That it is relevant to mention here that the opposite party No.2 passing the transfer order under the pick and choose policy, there is no uniformity criteria are being adopted by the opposite party No.2 in violation of the transfer policy. The opposite party No.2 passed order on 25.5.2024whereby cancelled the earlier transfer order of Shri Indra Jeet Garg who had been transferred from Excise Inspector Allahabad, Sector-I to Faizabad Sector-I. A copy of the order dated 25.5.2024is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.9 to this writ petition.   

16.      That the request of the petitioner for cancellation of her transfer order dated 10.5.2024has been turned down inspite the restrain order for not relieving  the petitioner from Sector-5, Allahabad, in other hand, the request of other Excise Inspectors has been accepted and their transfer order has been cancelled.

17.      That the opposite party No.2 making discrimination with the person to person and under the political pressure of the ruling party, transfer to the petitioner in the office of Assistant Excise Commissioner, Law Allahabad where no post is available as there is two posts there in the office of Assistant Excise Commissioner, Law and two person already posted and working there. The petitioner in respect of the impugned transfer she joined duty, but the salary of the petitioner is not being paid. In this regard, the Assistant Excise Commissioner, Law written a letter to the Excise Commissioner, U.P., Allahabad and requested to make appropriate order or direction in this regard. True copy of the letter dated 6.6.2024is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.10 to this writ petition. 

18.      That in the impugned order, the opposite party No.2 did not disclose why and under what circumstances and for what reason, the impugned order dated 10-05-2024 and 31.5.2024has been passed within short span of time.

19.      That the transfer of the petitioner has been made only to accommodate to the opposite party No.3 on the behest of the political influence, which is itself illegal and arbitrary and in punitive in nature.

20.      That it is relevant to point out here that due to the political interference in transfer posting of the petitioner, the opposite party No.2 without applying his mind even without following the provision of the Transfer Policy of the State Government in arbitrary and illegal manner passed the impugned order dated10-05-2024and 31.5.2024.

21.      That it is relevant to mention here that the State Government issued a Government Officers/Employees Transfer Policy, 2024in which it is specifically provided that the officer should remain on posting place atleast upto three years. A copy of the Transfer Policy dated 29.3.2024is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.11 to this writ petition.

22.      That the transfer of the petitioner is being made in very frequent manner, in these circumstances, it is very difficult and painful and stigmatic.

23.      That the impugned order is wholly illegal and arbitrary as same has been passed on political consideration. It is settled law of this Hon’ble Court as well as Hon’ble Apex Court that the transfer order should not be passed on political consideration but it should be passed on administrative grounds only keeping in view of the provision of transfer policy.

24.      That this Hon’ble Court as well as Hon’ble Apex Court made direction to the State Government to fix time limit of the Officers/Employees posting at particular place in otherwise the Government servant will have no stability in life if the Government servant are transferred very frequently, this is bad for the moral of the service. This Hon’ble Court further observed in his judgment and order that due to frequent transfer, a heavy burden is caused on the exchequer due to such transfer. The Hon’ble Court direct the State Government to fix at the earliest a period of posting during which the Government servants will not be ordinarily transferred or disturbed unless there are some exceptional grounds, which must be recorded in writing.

25.      That it is relevant to mention here that within three year, petitioner has been transferred five time from one place to another place, it is clear case of harassment of the petitioner.

26.      That the opposite party No.2 throwing the petitioner here to there like football, there is no stability in her life, due to frequently transfer to the petitioner here to there, she feeling that her career is being blemished by the opposite party No.2 without any rhyme and reason while there is no any charge, complaint and allegation against him.

27.      That it is admitted facts that the transfer is not any punishment it is the exigency of service, but it should be done in accordance with law following the terms, conditions of the existing transfer policy, but in the present case the terms and conditions of the transfer policy is highly violated and contrary to that she has been transferred in discriminatory manner.

28.      That the petitioner submits that the order of transfer causes a lot of difficulties and dislocation in the family set up of the concerned employees and as the order has been passed in violation of guidelines for transfer policy, as such the order transfer is liable to be quashed/set-aside.

29.      That it is made clear that the order impugned dated 10.05.2024and 31.5.2024passed by the opposite party No.2 is wholly illegal and arbitrary which is not sustainable in the eyes of law and is liable to be quashed by this Hon’ble Court.

30.      That the order impugned passed without application of mind in illegal and arbitrary manner under the political pressure and without following the provision of the Transfer Policy of the State Government to secure the end of justice and get the stability in his service, the indulgence of this Hon’ble Court is required.

31.      That as the impugned transfer order has been passed on 10.05.2024and 31.5.2024, being aggrieved with the said transfer order, the petitioner are being harassed and mentally depressed, being this reason there is urgency to redress her grievance, being this reason, she is filing instant writ petition during summer vacation.

32.      That having no other efficacious alternative remedy, is filing the instant writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India inter-alia on the following amongst grounds:-                                          


                     G R O U N D S

A.         Because, the impugned transfer order dated 10.5.2024and 31.05.2024passed by Commissioner, Excise, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad in violation of transfer policy of State Government and in most illegal and arbitrary manner without application of mind.

B.         Because, the transfer of the petitioner is being made in very frequent manner, in these circumstances, it is very difficult and painful and stigmatic.

C.         Because, the impugned order is wholly illegal and arbitrary as same has been passed on political consideration. It is settled law of this Hon’ble Court as well as Hon’ble Apex Court that the transfer order should not be passed on political consideration but it should be passed on administrative grounds only keeping in view of the provision of transfer policy.

D.         Because, this Hon’ble Court as well as Hon’ble Apex Court made direction to the State Government to fix time limit of the Officers/Employees posting at particular place in otherwise the Government servant will have no stability in life if the Government servant are transferred very frequently, this is bad for the moral of the service. This Hon’ble Court further observed in his judgment and order that due to frequent transfer, a heavy burden is caused on the exchequer due to such transfer. The Hon’ble Court direct the State Government to fix at the earliest a period of posting during which the Government servants will not be ordinarily transferred or disturbed unless there are some exceptional grounds, which must be recorded in writing.

E.         Because, within three year, petitioner has been transferred five time from one District to another District, it is clear case of harassment of the petitioner.

F.         Because, within one year the petitioner has been transferred three time, the opposite party No.2 throwing the petitioner here to there like football, there is no stability in his life, due to frequently transfer to the petitioner here to there, he feeling that his career is being blemished by the opposite party No.2 without any rhyme and reason while there is no any charge, complaint and allegation against him.

G.         Because, it is admitted facts that the transfer is not any punishment it is the exigency of service, but it should be done in accordance with law following the terms, conditions of the existing transfer policy, but in the present case the terms and conditions of the transfer policy is highly violated and contrary to that he has been transferred in other district.

H.         Because, the petitioner submits that the order of transfer offer causes a lot of difficulties and dislocation in the family set up of the concerned employees and as the order has been passed in violation of the rules of service and guidelines for transfer policy, as such the order transfer is liable to be quashed/set-aside.

I.           Because, the order impugned dated10.05.2024and 31.5.2024passed by the opposite party No.2 is wholly illegal and arbitrary which is not sustainable in the eyes of law and is liable to be quashed by this Hon’ble Court.

J.          Because, the order impugned passed without application of mind in illegal and arbitrary manner and without following the provision of the Transfer Policy of the State Government to secure the end of justice and get the stability in his service, the indulgence of this Hon’ble Court is required.


Wherefore, it most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may graciously be pleased to:-

(i)     issue, a writ, order or direction in the nature of Certiorari quashing the impugned transfer order dated 10.05.2024and 31.5.2024passed by the Commissioner, Excise, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad, as contained in Annexure No.1 and 2 to this writ petition So far its relates to the petitioner.

(ii)    issue, a writ, order or direction in the nature of Mandamus commanding the opposite parties allow the petitioner to continue discharge her duties at Sector-5, Allahabad as Excise Inspector.

(iii)    issue any other writ, order or direction which this Hon’ble Court may deem just and proper in the circumstances of the case.

(iv)    allow this writ petition with costs in favour of petitioner.

ALLAHABAD:                                     (Vinod Kumar Pandey)                 

DATED:        /2024                                           Advocate                                 

                                                    Counsel for the petitioner




Writ Petition No.               (S/B) of 2024







Vinod Kumar Pandey                                   ---------Petitioner                           


State of U.P. and others                         ------Opposite Parties



                      A F F I D A V I T


I, Vinod Kumar Pandey, aged about 30 years, D/o Jawahar Lal Yadav, R/o D-96, Sector-P, Aliganj, Allahabad, Religion-Hindu, Occupation- Service, the deponent, do hereby solemnly affirm and States on oath as under: -   


1.     That the deponent is the petitioner herself in the aforesaid writ petition. As such she is fully conversant with the facts of the case.


2.     That the contents of paragraphs                              

                of the accompanying writ petition are true to the personal knowledge of the deponent, while those of paragraphs                                                are believed by me to be true based on records, and those of paragraphs                                       are believed by me to be true on the basis of legal advice.


3.     That Annexure Nos. 1 to    of the writ petition are true/photocopies of its originals.


DATED:            /2024                                      DEPONENT




I, the deponent named above do hereby verify that the contents of paragraphs 1 and 3 of this affidavit are true to my own knowledge and those of paragraphs 3 believed by me to be true on the basis of records. No part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed in it, so help me God.




DATED:            /2024                                       DEPONENT



I, identify the deponent who has signed before me.



                                                 Enrollment No.0000/2016

D-1/145, Viraj Khand,

Gomti Ngar, Allahabad.

Mobile No. 9415381583


Solemnly affirmed before me on               at       A.M./P.M. by the deponent, Vinod Kumar Pandey, who is identified by Shri Bishlendra Prasad, Advocate, High Court, Allahabad Bench, Allahabad.  

I have satisfied myself by examining the deponent that she understands the contents of this affidavit, which have been read over and explained by me.

                                        Oath Commissioner


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