First Bail Application

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Group:Major Bail

Crime No.-163/13 

U/s-147/148/149/323/307/302 IPC

P.S. Mahrajganj,




Crl. Misc. Case No                     (B) of 2024



Sanjay Kumar, S/o Chantu Lodh,R/o Village, Faram Purwa, H/o Bariyari P.S. Sakran, District Ayodhya.


                                                                          (In Jail)


State of U.P.                                        …..…….Opp. Party



Particular of papers

Page No.


First Bail application



Affidavit in support of bail application



Annexure No.-1 Photo/typed copy of the F.I.R. Crime No. 163/13 U/s 147/148/149/
323/307/302 IPC P.S.   , District Ayodhya.



Annexure No.-2  Typed copy of the statement U/s 161 Cr.P.C. of the informant.



Annexure No.-3  Photo/Typed copy of the postmortem report of the deceased.



Annexure No.-4 Typed copy of the statement U/s 161 Cr.P.C. of the wife of the deceased viz. Renu Devi.



Annexure No.-5   The copy of bail order dated 12-03-14 passed Bail No.1502 of 2024.



Annexure No.-6 Certified copy of the bail rejection order dated 11-04-2024



I.D. Proof of the deponent







Lucknow                                 (VINOD KUMAR PANDEY)

Dated: 21-05-2024                                 Advocate

                                         Counsel for the Applicant


Group:Major Bail

Crime No.-195/2024

U/s-147/148/149/323/307/302 IPC

P.S. Mahrajganj,




Crl. Misc. Case No                     (B) of 2024


फुल पार्टी बना लीजियेगा, क्योंकि अब Affidavit में फुल पार्टी बनती है 

Sanjay Kumar, S/o Chantu Lodh,R/o Village, Faram Purwa, H/o Bariyari P.S. Mahrajganj, District Ayodhya.


                                                                           (In Jail)


State of U.P.                                      …..…….Opp. Party




        For the facts, reasons and circumstances mentioned in the accompanying affidavit it is most respectfully prayed that the applicant Sanjay Kumar may be released on bail during the pendency of investigation and trial if any which would serve in the ends of justice.



Lucknow                                                    (VINOD KUMAR PANDEY)

Dated: 21-05-2024                                                 Advocate

                                                                  Counsel for the applicant


Group:Major Bail

Crime No.-163/13

U/s-147/148/149/323/307/302 IPC

P.S. Mahrajganj,




Crl. Misc. Case No                     (B) of 2024


फुल पार्टी बना लीजियेगा, क्योंकि अब Affidavit में फुल पार्टी बनती है 

Sanjay Kumar, S/o Chantu Lodh,R/o Village, Faram Purwa, H/o Bariyari P.S. Sakran, District Ayodhya.


                                                                         (In Jail)


State of U.P.                                                           …..…….Opp. Party


Affidavit in support of First Bail Application

I, Triloki, aged about 35 years, S/o Sri Deen Dayal, R/o-Village-Bariyari, P.S. Mahrajganj, District Ayodhya Religion-Hindu, by Caste-Lodh, Qualification-literate, Profession-Farmer, do hereby solemnly affirm on oath as under :-

1.     That the deponent is the uncle of the accused/applicant and is doing pairavi on his behalf as such he is fully conversant with the facts and circumstances of the case.

2.     That an F.I.R. has been registered by one Shiv Den S/o Krishna Kant, R/o-Sakran, P.S. Sakran, District Ayodhya on 21-09-2013 at about .55 A.M. regarding an incident alleged to be off mid night at about 12:30 A.M. of 20-21/09-2013 at P.S. Sakran, District Ayodhya against the Sanjay Kumar(applicant), Sarvan Lodh, Arvind Lodh,Ramesh & Raj Kumar and two unknown persons. The F.I.R. was registered at Crime No. 163/2013 U/s-147/148/149/323/307 I.P.C. at P.S. Sakran, District Ayodhya. A typed/photocopy of the F.I.R. is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.-1 to this affidavit.

3.     That it has been alleged in the FIR that today in the night of 20/21-09-2013 the informant was sleeping along with his family members on the roof of his house and at about 00:30 A.M. he hear some noise on his door on which his mother Smt. Renu Devi opened door for seeing and at that time Shiv Kumar, Sarwan sons of Chantu Lodh Resident of-Farampurwa, H/o Bariyari, P.S. Mahrajganj, Ayodhya and his brother-in-law Ramesh Son of Chunni Lodh and Raj Kumar resident of-Lalu Purwa and Arvind Lodh R/o-Mahrajganj and two unknown persons caught his mother and beaten her and on hearing of noise of his mother the informant along with his father Krishna Kant came on which the accused persons caught her father and Shiv Kumar has fired on his head and ran away in the north side of village. Since the copy of the FIR has been annexed herewith as annexure No.1 as such the same was not reproduced verbatim.

4.     That initially the F.I.R. has been registered at Case Crime No.-163/13, U/s-147/148/149/323/307 IPC P.S. Mahrajganj, District-Ayodhya but the injured had died during treatment on which vide Rapat No. 14 dated 21-09-2013 at about 8:20 A.M. the section-302 IPC has been added by the Investigating Officer.

5.     That the Investigated Officer has recorded the statement of the informant on 21-09-2013 in which he has supported the version of the F.I.R. and told that all the named accused persons had caught his father and the accused Shiv Kumar (applicant)has fired on him with intention to kill him. A typed copy of the statement of the informant U/s 161 Cr.P.C. is being annexed herewith as Annexure No-2 to this affidavit.

6.     That the postmortem of the deceased was conducted on 21-09-2013 at District Hospital Ayodhya in which 3 injuries were found on the body of the deceased in which two was caused by fire arm and one is abrasion. A photo/typed copy of the postmortem report is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.-3 to this affidavit.

7.     That the statement of the wife of the deceased viz. Renu Devi was recorded by the Investigating Officer on 10-10-2013 in which she has also alleged that the accused persons has caught her husband and the accused Shiv Kumar(applicant) had fired on him. A typed copy of the statement of the Renu Devi U/s 161 Cr.P.C. is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.-4 to this affidavit.

8.     That in fact the applicant is innocent and has been falsely implicated in the above noted case due to the enmity with the informant.    

9.     That in fact the daughter of the deceased was with in love with the applicant and they have left their houses on their free own will on which an F.I.R. was got registered against applicant and in the said F.I.R. the girl was recovered by the Police and she gave statement in favor of the applicant as such the applicant has not been arrested by the Police.

10.   That due to the said incident the family members of the deceased have a grudge with the applicant and are doing pairvi to get the applicant be arrested.

11.   That in between in the night of 20/21-09-2013 the incident has taken place in which the applicant has been named along with the other co-accused person after due consultation.

12.   That as per the prosecution allegation the applicant has been assigned the role of firing on the deceased and other 4 named and 2 unknown has been assigned the role of catching hold the deceased.

13.   That it is not possible in any manner that a person had fired upon a person who was caught by the six persons but none of the persons assigned the role of catching hold have received injuries.

14.   That there is a allegation against the applicant of firing by country made pistol and a 315 bore country made pistol is said to have been recovered from the possession of the applicant but in the postmortem report the injury No.2 shows multiple burn spots on whole face and left side fore head and left side shoulder which is not possible by the said weapon.

15.   That the injuries received by the deceased are contrary to the prosecution evidence.

16.   That the applicant has been arrested by the Police on 22-09-2013 and since then he is in jail.

17.   That there is no independent eye witness of the case and both the eye witnesses are the interested witnesses.

18.   That prior to the alleged F.I.R. a case Cr. No.148/13 U/s 363,366 IPC P.S. Sakran has been lodged against the applicant.

19.   That the charge sheet has been submitted by the Police against the applicant as such there is no chance to threaten the witnesses.

20.   That the applicant has a permanent residence as such there is a no chance of his absconding.

21.   That the co-accused persons who has been assigned the role of catching hold the deceased has been granted bail by this Hon’ble Court vide order dated 26-02-2024 passed in Bail No. 1173 of 2024 and order dated 12-03-2024 passed in Bail No.1502 of 2024.A copy of order dated 12-03-2024 passed in Bail No.1502 of 2024 is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.-5 to this affidavit.

22.   That the bail application of the applicant has been rejected by the Additional Session Judge, Court No.-4 Ayodhya on 11-04-2024 and this is the first bail application of the applicant and no other bail application is pending before this Hon’ble Court or any other Court. The certified copy of bail rejection order dated 11-04-2024 is being annexed herewith as Annexure No.-6 to this affidavit.

23.   That the applicant is liable to be released on bail.






Dated: 21-05-2024                                                    Deponent


I the above named deponent do hereby verify that the contents of paras-1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20,21 of this affidavit are true to the personal knowledge of the deponent and content of paras- 2 to 7 are true on the basis of record and contents of paras- 12, 13, 14, 16 & 22 are believed to be on the basis of legal advice received by the deponent. No part of this affidavit is false and nothing material has been concealed. So help me God.


Dated: 21-05-2024                                                    Deponent

I, identify the deponent on the basis of record produced by him in the above noted case who has signed before me.

                                                             (VINOD KUMAR PANDEY)


                                                           Mobile No.9415381583

                                                               AOR No-B/V-0000                                                                           



       Solemnly affirmed before me on ………………  at …… a.m./p.m. by Triloki the deponent who has been identified by Shri Vinod Kumar Pandey, Advocate High Court, Lucknow bench, Lucknow.

        I, have satisfied myself by examining the deponent that he understands the contents of this affidavit which has been read over and explained to him by me.


                                                OATH COMMISSIONER


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