Rent Agreement

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RENT agreement

        This Rent Agreement is made this 09th day of May 2013 between Sri Vinod Kumar Pandey, S/o Late Radha Kishan Pandey, Resident of-Jagdish Niwas, B-14, Sector-F, Rajajipuram, Lucknow, hereinafter called the LANDLORD of the one part and Mr. Prabhakar Nath Mishra R/o Village- Karamdanda, Police Station Gauriganj, District Sultanpur hereinafter called the TENANT of the other part, on the following terms and conditions: -

1-     That this rent agreement is for House No.-1/626, Sector-J, Rajajipuram, Lucknow which is in peaceful possession of the landlord and is for fixed term of Eleven Months, the period of which will start from 10-05-2013 thereafter if both the parties will be ready to continue the agreement for further period then the rent will be increased by 10% in every one year.

2-     That it has been agreed upon that the tenant shall pay rent for the premises in question to the landlord at the rate of Rs. 14,000/- (Fourteen Thousand only) per month with effect from 10-05-2013 and will continue to pay the same till 09-04-2014 the date on which the rent agreement will expire.

3-     That is shall be duty of the tenant to keep everything of the demised premises intact and not to damage the same in any way. No material alteration or breakage will be permitted. The house will be well maintained for cleanness.

4-     That any breakage/loss of property/fixture by the tenant will be compensated to the landlord.

5-     That it has been agreed upon that the monthly rent will be paid by 01st day of each calendar month.

6-     That it has been agreed that the demised premises will not be used for any illegal activity.

7-     That the tenant shall allow the landlord or his family members or the agent at the convenient hours in a day time to enter into and upon the demised property and view and examine the state and condition thereof and to repair the said property or notify the tenant of all damages caused by him due to use and negligence which will be repaired by the tenant within one month from such notice or any further time which the landlord may allow.

8-     That it has also been agreed upon that the tenant will pay water tax properly. 

9-     That it has also been agreed upon that the tenant will be liable to pay electricity consumed charges on monthly basis direct to landlord with meter charge.

10-   That if the demised premises is required by the landlord for his own use and occupation or for the use and occupation of his family members, the landlord will have a right to terminate the tenancy by giving one month’s notice to the tenant, who will hand over peaceful and vacant possession of the demised premises within the specified time.

11-   That the tenant will be at the liberty to vacate the demised premises after giving one month’s prior notice to the landlord.

12-   That wherever the words and expression tenant and landlord used in this deed will include legal heirs, assignees, successors and survivors also or any person legally acting in their behalf.

                IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mrs. RUNU BANERJEE, the landlord and the tenant Signed this deed on this 09th day of May 2013.


Place: Lucknow

Date: 09-05-2013                                     (Vinod Kumar Pandey)




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